This is done via the Tweet2Doombot account. And you do it by inputting your commands as reply tweets. Though it’s actually a lot harder than it sounds. This is simply because you have to input your commands via what can be most simply described as a unique coding language. If you have the patience for it, you can read the instructions and give it a try yourself.

— Tweet2Doom (@tweet2doom) October 2, 2021 In some ways, this is similar to the Twitter account that lets you play Pokemon Red on it. But the differences are pretty huge. For one, the input for that game was a lot simpler, done via sending one of the GameBoy buttons as a reply. Another difference is that Twitter Pokemon Red had a sort of crowdsourced gameplay, where the input with the most replies will be used as the next move. In the case of the Doom Twitter bot, whenever people put in different commands, each valid one will then be split into its own “new game state”. Meaning you basically have your own unique instance of the game.

— Tweet2Doom (@tweet2doom) October 6, 2021 In conclusion, it’s far from the best way to play a first person shooter, even if it’s an older and simpler one. But if you’re lucky enough to have some time on your hands, and for whatever reason decide to not play the actual game normally, you can give it a go yourself. (Source: Tweet2Doom / Twitter via PC Gamer)