According to WABetaInfo, the Facebook-owned messaging app has reportedly been developing the feature over the last couple of months, with the first reports having popped up back in July. When the app was reportedly testing some sort of cross-platform support. While this may not seem like groundbreaking news, bringing chat synchronisation to multiple devices and platform would still be a game-changer for WhatsApp and if this takes off, it could allow WhatsApp to further grow its userbase. This is also because, as it currently stands, WhatsApp doesn’t allow users to activate the app to be active on more than one device at a time. A feature that its rival, Telegram, is currently capable of doing, both on the PC, Mac, and mobile devices.

The feature to use the same WhatsApp account on multiple devices will allow to sync your chat history. NOTE: This feature will be available in future. — WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) August 9, 2020 On that note, and beyond the subject of being accessible through multiple devices, WhatsApp also doesn’t support a variety of other features, such as 60 fps animated GIFs, and support for transferring large files. At the time of writing, there’s still no official word from WhatsApp on the topic, or even when the new update will be made available. Considering that this bit of news has been popping up over the last couple of months, though, it wouldn’t surprise us if it was to be released before the year ends. (Source: WABetaInfo, The Verge)