This is due to the fact that GoPayz has more to offer than just a way for users to pay from their mobile devices. According to Jasmine, U Mobile believe that Malaysians are looking for e-wallet that can be used throughout the world which is why consumers can choose to obtain physical MasterCard, UnionPay, and Visa card for GoPayz that will be made available as optional.

Other than that, customers can also obtain plenty of financial services through GoPayz such as life insurance, online currency exchange delivery service, and wealth unit trusts. Jasmine pointed out that these services will be offered at an affordable rate since it is one of the main objectives for GoPayz.

There is also a loyalty reward element within GoPayz through its GoPointz system. However, the in-depth details regarding GoPayz will be revealed further as we get close to its official rollout date which is expected to take place in July.

U Mobile Reveals More Details Behind GoPayz Universal E Wallet and Fintech Ecosystem - 15U Mobile Reveals More Details Behind GoPayz Universal E Wallet and Fintech Ecosystem - 42