In general, 5G networks are currently being deployed via two methods with one of them being the Non-Standalone (NSA) method which is being done by utilizing existing 4G network as the anchor. On another hand, a 5G SA deployment involves having a full end-to-end 5G network.

TM who also aspires to become the sole national infrastructure provider for 5G, boldly claimed that its Langkawi’s 5G SA network is the first 5G SA network in Malaysia. However, the company didn’t reveal in its announcement whether the network is using sub-6GHz or mmWave. At the same time, TM also didn’t provide the actual location of the 5G SA network as well as its usages. Meanwhile, the company has also announced that it is planning to test Dynamic Spectrum Sharing feature which enables different cellular technologies to co-exist together. Not only that, TM has also stated that it is ready to work with other telcos out there throughout the duration of the 5G Demonstration Project phase which will last until March 2020. (Source: TM.)

TM Deploys 5G SA Network In Langkawi  Also Plans To Test Dynamic Spectrum Sharing - 12