According to Microsoft, one of the primary reasons behind Mixer’s demise was due to its inability to grow at the same momentum as its competitors, including Twitch and its now partner, Facebook Gaming. Clearly, the announcement comes as something of a surprise the masses, most especially to those who have been using the platform. The platform first came on to the scene in 2016 and was initially called Beam. Before being acquired by Microsoft in the same and then renamed in 2017. While it never quite gained the momentum desired, the platform did receive media attention in 2019 when two popular game streamers, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins and Michael “Shroud” Grzesiek, made the decision to jump ship from Twitch to Mixer. Again, Microsoft has already begun shifting its streaming partners over to its partner’s platform. Once the deadline is reached, all Mixer site and apps will automatically be redirected to Facebook Gaming. With all existing Mixer partners being granted partner status on the new platform, as well as eligibility for Facebook’s Level Up program. (Source: The Verge)

Microsoft Shutting Down Mixer On 22 July  Seeks To Partner Up With Facebook Gaming - 66