PC Gamer reports that a partially redacted document shows that only one game released between December 2018 and June 2019 made Epic Games money. The titles of the games, as well as their studios, were the part that were redacted. But Reddit user MrBubbaJ matched up games to their corresponding release dates. And from that, it was revealed that the one game that resulted in profit for Epic Games is Satisfactory, which launched on 19 march 2019.

Epic Games paid US$11.5 million (~RM48.49 million) as the minimum guarantee to keep Satisfactory off of Steam. The title earned US$11.6 million within its first year, which PC Gamer notes as still being in early access by this point.

As you’d expect, Epic Games isn’t exactly fazed by this. It has all the Fortnite money to burn as it continues its crusade against Steam and the 30% revenue cut status quo. But what is actually surprising is that Satisfactory, of all games would be the one to actually earn the company money via the exclusivity deal. You’d think that a larger title like Metro Exodus or Control would be the one to do it. (Source: GameDiscoverCo, MrBubbaJ / Reddit via PC Gamer)

Epic Games Made Losses On All But One Of Its  First Wave  Of Exclusives - 95Epic Games Made Losses On All But One Of Its  First Wave  Of Exclusives - 19