Epic’s platform offers an 88/12 percentage split in revenue share, already one-upping dominant platform Steam which, even at the best of conditions, offers an 80/20 split of revenue. Discord’s cut does look a little more enticing, especially to smaller developers where every little bit of revenue helps with their livelihood.

That said, Steam is still being the most popular platform by far in terms of user count. It remains to be seen if the revenue share cut will be enticing enough for developers move away from the sheer potential volume. The Epic Games Store is not without its own issues either. Being so new, it’s still has a lot of teething problems. This includes the only recently streamlined refund process, and the fact that user reviews are not a thing right now, which has its own set of issues. So, let’s see if Discord is able to provide a much smoother experience or else, that excellent revenue sharing model might not mean much. (Source: Discord)

Discord Announces 90 10 Revenue Share For Game Developers In 2019 - 52