The Eternals came from the mind of Jack Kirby and follows super-powered and near-immortal beings known as Eternals and their enemies the Deviants, who were created by cosmic beings called Celestials. The Eternals are known to have played a huge role in shaping our history and civilizations. We currently have very little information about the movie, but sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that “one aspect to the story involves the love story between Ikaris, a man fueled by cosmic energy, and Sersi, who relishes moving amongst humans.” It is still unclear which Eternal Jolie is in talks to play. Some, like Jeff Sneider of Collider speculate that since The Eternals will most likely be featuring Marvel’s first openly gay character, Jolie, a huge advocate for LGBT rights might be in talks to play said character. On the flip side, Angelina Jolie could also be in talks to embody a Deviant named Ereshkigal (picture below) who looks a little bit like a Disney character Jolie is currently playing. I am of course referring to Maleficent.

While this would be Angelina Jolie’s first foray into the world of superheroes, it isn’t her first into the world of comic book movies. She previously starred in Wanted, a film based on a comic series of the same name, penned by Mark Millar. (Source: Collider and The Hollywood Reporter)

Angelina Jolie Is in Talks to Make Her Marvel Cinematic Universe Debut - 79